Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 366: Greater White-fronted Goose

Well, I made it! Hooray! Today's bird, the Greater White-fronted Goose, is the last bird to round out my epic year of bird blogging. I can't lie, part of me is relieved that the challenge is over. It hasn't always been easy to keep up with this. But, I loved birding this year, especially capturing some great memories and photos. While I won't be blogging every day, I do plan to still post photos and trip details as we continue to explore Maryland and the rest of the U.S. (and beyond). Look for updates every week or two.

Before I cut back on blogging, however, I plan to put together a "best of" photo list from the year. I'll be posting what I consider to be the best photo that I took of each bird species on Flickr and will share the link here when I have it up. I'll also pick my 10-20 favorite bird photos of the year overall to post here. I'll also try to compile some final statistics of how many birds I actually photographed (since some of the 366 I only saw or heard). All of that to come in the next few days.

 As of yesterday, I had more or less resigned myself to finishing one bird short for the year. There were a few birds that I could have tried to find, but they were either unreliable or too far away to warrant a quick trip. That changed when Jared announced that a Greater White-fronted Goose had been spotted at a lake only 30 minutes away from us!

It was a cold and blustery day here, but we managed to find the goose mixed in with some Canada Geese. Can you tell how different it looks?

And finally, before I sign off for today, cheers to a wonderful New Year!

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