Monday, January 7, 2013

Top 20 Shots of 2012

Hello and Happy New Year! It felt strange not blogging for the past week, but I thought I would give myself a break. Instead, I was busy sorting through all of my photos from this year to compile the best ones!

If you enjoyed seeing the assortment of bird photos this year, I recommend you check out my Flickr page to see the best one of each species. There are several great ones that never made it to this blog, because I ended up taking them after already posting about a species. Go to my Flickr album here:

Today, I wanted to post a top 20 list of my favorite/best shots of 2012. It was pretty hard to pick out only 20, but it came down to my personal preference and the ones I enjoy the most. Later this week, I'll be posting my most "memorable" shots of 2012.

Top 20 Photos of 2012 (in no particular order)

Broad-tailed Hummingbird

Common Yellowthroat

Osprey family

Tree Swallow

Puerto Rican Tody

Cattle Egret

Greater Antillean Grackle

Dusky Grouse

Prairie Warbler

Swainson's Hawk

Connecticut Warbler

White-cheeked Pintail

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Western Tanager

Piping Plover

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Magnolia Warbler

White-crowned Sparrow

Red-winged Blackbird

Red Crossbill

1 comment:

  1. Victoria!
    Through your blog, I realize the beauty and personalities of "birds." While I continue to dodge birds that would love to make a nest in my hair or that might scratch or peck, perhaps I am not as ornithophobic as in the past...thanks to your blog! Your pictures are lovely, your words interesting and witty, and your perserverance to stick with this project pretty amazing! Thanks for sharing! Mom
