Sunday, January 27, 2013

Birds of Burnet, Texas

Hello again! Apologies for not writing in a while. After some thought, I've decided to put an end to this blog, since my goal for 2012 was accomplished. I want the One Bird a Day blog to be a nice, neat, complete package. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me this past year to keep up with posting! Special thanks to my husband Jared, my constant companion and birding guide, and to my Aunt Karen, who inspired me to keep at it every day.

Don't panic, though, I'll still be posting photos and stories on my new, ongoing blog: Be sure to check it out!

Over the Christmas holiday, we spent a day at my aunt and uncle's ranch in Burnet, Texas. It was beautiful weather, and Jared and I took a long walk around the ranch. Here are some of the birds that we saw:

Bewick's Wren

 Black-crested Titmouse

Black-crested Titmouse

 Spotted Towhee

 White-crowned Sparrow

Wilson's Snipe

Wilson's Snipe

 Female Bufflehead (top) and female Lesser Scaup (bottom)

Golden-crowned Kinglet

 Chipping Sparrow

 Eastern Bluebird

 Eastern Bluebird

 Pine Siskins

 Long-tailed Ducks

 Orange-crowned Warbler

Field Sparrow


  1. excellent pictures! birds seem to be looking at u.
