Friday, December 9, 2011

Mission 2012: One bird a day

Hi guys! My name is Victoria McCallum Fisher. Welcome to my blog, One Bird A Day, where I will post photos, personal stories, and interesting facts about a different species of bird that I see each and every day.

My husband, Jared, is an avid birder. When we first met several years ago, I joined him on his birding adventures and became enthralled with warblers, woodpeckers, and other avian wonders. Though Jared has continued to bird with great enthusiasm, my interests soon evolved to other things, and I lost my birding edge. Now is the time for that to change, however.

Why blog about one bird a day? For those who aren't very familiar with the hobby, birding is a bit of a sport in its own right. Each year, birders across the U.S. and the world take on the personal challenge of finding, identifying, and keeping count of as many birds as possible. Jared has done this for many years, and this time, I will join him. In order to write about one bird a day, I will have to see and hopefully photograph at least 366 different kinds of birds (Jared informed me that this is a leap year!). In doing so, I hope to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the bird world and to share some of that with you.

I'll be keeping a running tally of my bird count in the top right corner of this page. Stay tuned, and be sure to check back each day, starting January 1, 2012, for a new bird, new photos, and new stories!