Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 365: Monk Parakeet

I have some exciting news. I saw my last new bird of the year this afternoon, which means I made it to the 366 bird mark! It was touch and go there for a while, but I'm so happy to have pulled it off! While my year-long challenge evolved some over time (for instance, I didn't get to photograph all 366 birds, but decided to count the ones I just saw or heard anyway), I still blogged every single day (in spite of vacations and power outages) and consider the challenge to be fulfilled. Thankfully, this means that Jared can't tease me about being one bird short for the rest of our lives. More details summing up this year and future plans tomorrow...

On our hunt for new birds in Texas over the Christmas break, Jared, my mom, and I ventured to Cedar Hill for a short trip. We intended to visit the Cedar Hill State Park to quickly scan for birds, but ended up not going there after finding out they charged way too much for admission ($7 per person, what's up with that?).

Luck was on our side, however, when Jared spotted a flock of Monk Parakeets on a power line at a stop light in Cedar Hill. Turns out, there are wild Monk Parakeets in the area!

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