Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 33: Red-throated Loon

Last weekend, there were several Red-throated Loons at the Ocean City inlet. Some of them got quite close to the shore, and I was able to get some great photos.

During the winter, when loons have migrated to the Maryland area, adults have dull plumage with a white face and foreneck, a grey head, and a dark body with white speckles. Adults are really beautiful during the breeding season, with a distinctive red throat patch. Unfortunately, Red-throated Loons breed far north in the Arctic, so we won't get to see them then.

Red-throated Loons are the smallest and the lightest of the world's species of loons. They primarily eat fish, diving underwater and using their feet for propulsion.


Fun fact: Because its feet are located so far back on its body, the Red-throated Loon can't actually walk on land! However, it can use its feet to shove itself forward on its breast, which I'm guessing is a pretty awkward way to get around.

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