Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 21: White-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatches are adorable and interesting birds. We have several that frequent our backyard. Sometimes they perch on a windowsill, appearing to watch us attentively through the glass, while other times they perform bird acrobatics by shimmying up a vertical brick wall. Jared and I are always entertained when one lands on our porch and enjoy watching their antics.

Chilling on our porch wall


I've seen several White-breasted Nuthatches this year already and have taken a few decent photos. Today, we attracted one to our porch by putting up a suet feeder (a cage that holds a bird seed cake...the cakes come in all different "flavors" for the birds, so I'm sure it's a tasty treat).

White-breasted Nuthatches often forage for insects on trunks and branches, and they have the cool ability to move head-first down trees. If you ever see a little bird that seems to be scaling up or down a tree trunk, there's a good chance it is a type of nuthatch.

White-breasted Nuthatches are stocky birds with a blue-grey back and a white face and belly. They have a black cap and a brownish lower belly. They are found year-round throughout much of the U.S.

Caught in the act! Trying to break in our kitchen window...

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