Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 93: Magnificent Frigatebird

Another bird that I was really excited to see on our trip is the Magnificent Frigatebird. Some of you may not recognize it by name, but if you've ever watched a nature show, you'll know what I'm talking about; during breeding season, males have a bright red inflated throat pouch.

It was awesome to see the Magnificent Frigatebirds flying around in the sky. They have mostly black plumage, with a very long wingspan and a forked tail. Females have a white throat.

Magnificent Frigatebirds feed mainly on fish, but will also attack other seabirds that have already caught a meal. Frigatebirds never land on water, and always take their food items in flight. They spend most of their time, day and night, flying over the ocean.

Here's a picture of a breeding male bird, since we only saw them flying from afar (not our photo):

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